Author - Diana

Pulp Novels Sell. Here’s a Pulp Novel ‘How To,’ Book

There's lots of reasons to write pulp novels. One reason is that pulp novels sell, and a writer should never discount what readers want. If you're a beginner looking for a quick book that will improve your storytelling, here is James Scott Bell's book, "How to Write Pulp Fiction," available on Amazon. When you're a...

3 Simple Tips for a Novel-Rewrite

Here I will share with you my process for rewriting a novel, and it involves a quality notebook and set of good pens. I had every intention of finishing my rewrites before my kids left on spring break. As it happens March is too busy for me and life has taken hold. But, even though...

The Blade Runner Novel Has an Odd Title

The Blade Runner movie is based on a novel with the odd title, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? This novel started the franchise with the original 1982 movie staring Harrison Ford, and more recently, Blade Runner 2049, produced in 2017 staring Ryan Gosling. The original novel is something of a distant cousin to...

Yes, You Should Hurry Up and Read ‘Dune’

If you're an adult reader and fan of Game of Thrones or Star Wars wondering, 'Should I read, Dune?' I say, yes. Well, maybe not read Dune in the traditional sense. You should definitely "read" it in audiobook form. You should definitely consume it in some literary form before watching either of the film interpretations....