Book Picks

Sampler of Sci-Fi Books From A Military Woman

Here are some sci-fi book picks from a military woman, and that woman happens to be me. That’s not to say these books feature female characters or something. It just means that whatever flavor of military woman I am has influenced this list. I’m limiting candidates based on date of publication in 2021 (I’ll go...

If You’re in the Military You Must Read This Book

Actually, if you’re in the military, or interested in national security, geo-politics, or foreign affairs at all, you must read this book. Military people tucked away in high-level staff sections love to speculate on the threat of China. Authors Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis have confronted that collective sense of forboding with 2034:...

My Top 3 Unusual Book Recommendations From 2020

This morning I’m at a primitive campsite in one of Florida’s state parks. Firewood crackles and hisses in front of me in its ordinary and mesmerizing way. I’m pleased with my fire-making skills. Last night I had managed smoking wood but no flames. Nick watched, unimpressed, as I blew into the kindling, trying to get...

Book Pick- Gore Vidal’s, “Burr”

I’m giddy at the fact that tomorrow on July 3rd, Disney + is going to premier Hamilton as a live stage production recording with all the original cast. You can view the trailer here. I was lucky enough to see it live in 2018 when it came through Houston. The tickets...