My Surprise at the Author Event and More Travel Reading

Last month I had the chance to participate in my first author event hosted at my local library. There’s a few reasons why I thought this was important to do, and if you had asked me what I thought would happen, I would have told you that I thought I would meet a few readers,...

The Killer Suspense of “Prom Night”

In the spirit of Halloween, I did a search for Jamie Lee Curtis movies and Peacock served up Prom Night. It was the teaser clip that hooked me: An early 20s Jamie Lee Curtis, dancing alone to the song in her head, arms high and graceful, body spinning, when her nemesis flicks on the spotlight....

How is Top Gun So Good?

The new Top Gun: Maverick blew me away. It's so good! It was story telling magic just like the original 1986 Top Gun. When the final credits rolled it had me thinking, how the heck did they pull that off? Again!? If you're like me and enjoy nerding-out on stories that have that special something,...

Pulp Novels Sell. Here’s a Pulp Novel ‘How To,’ Book

There's lots of reasons to write pulp novels. One reason is that pulp novels sell, and a writer should never discount what readers want. If you're a beginner looking for a quick book that will improve your storytelling, here is James Scott Bell's book, "How to Write Pulp Fiction," available on Amazon. When you're a...

3 Simple Tips for a Novel-Rewrite

Here I will share with you my process for rewriting a novel, and it involves a quality notebook and set of good pens. I had every intention of finishing my rewrites before my kids left on spring break. As it happens March is too busy for me and life has taken hold. But, even though...

Mistakes I Made Before Writing my Novel

There are things I wish I knew before writing my novel, hence I made some mistakes. While there's a ton of advice out there this boils down to personal lessons learned. There's a lot to learn from other people's going around in circles so maybe, just maybe, you won't have to. It occurs to me...

Metaphor, Figurative Language, and Silos

My parents have a patio that backs up against a small pond, surrounded by a forest preserve along the opposite side from where I'm sitting. It’s pretty, lush, and verdant (green!). The air conditioning unit just kicked on, and it’s drowning out the sounds of distant birds squawking (I haven’t learned my bird calls yet)...