My Behind-The-Scenes

The Blade Runner Novel Has an Odd Title

The Blade Runner movie is based on a novel with the odd title, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? This novel started the franchise with the original 1982 movie staring Harrison Ford, and more recently, Blade Runner 2049, produced in 2017 staring Ryan Gosling. The original novel is something of a distant cousin to both...

Yes, You Should Hurry Up and Read ‘Dune’

If you're an adult reader and fan of Game of Thrones or Star Wars wondering, 'Should I read, Dune?' I say, yes. Well, maybe not read Dune in the traditional sense. You should definitely "read" it in audiobook form. You should definitely consume it in some literary form before watching either of the film interpretations....

My #NaNoWriMo

Woman sweeping, with cat. 2020 (photocredit: Steve) It’s well past the kids’ bedtime at this point, and I’m parked at the kitchen counter waiting for P to do her math homework. Soccer days are usually like this when we arrive home late, thanks to our regular ritual of stopping for vanilla cones at McDonald's. Still, I...

One Small Win After Another

P is drawing a picture of a thunderstorm in her composition notebook right now. The clouds in her picture are orange, and for the lightning, she is using a black dry erase marker. This is annoying since she has her Crayola markers to use, and dry erase markers are specialized and more expensive, etc. etc....